Friday, August 28, 2009

Thinking about Halloween

Halloween is fast approaching this year. This is Stephen's favorite holiday. He loves to dress up! The photo below was in 2006. He was a Micky Mouse Fire Fighter...sooooooooo cute. Forgive the sideways picture...not sure what happened.

Now in 2007 he was starting to get away form the cutsie costumes...and Momma is not happy about this either. He was a construction worker that year.
2008 was a little better...I did get a little cutsie worked in...he was a chef. Thank you Ratatouille (very adorable kid movie by the way).So what will this year bring? My guess is something involving bones or blood or both...
Lets hope I can talk him into something much sweeter than that...but I do let him choose...and let me tell you, it is getting harder and harder to manipulate...errrr coerce.....errr help him decide on something he does not want. I'll post the final dicision after Halloween.


Cindy said...

Very cute, that son of yours. Good luck with this halloween, I hope it is something fun that mommy can enjoy too! Hugs, Cindy S.

Beverly said...

Thanks Cindy...we think he is a cutie pattutie.
I have not heard him say what he wants to be yet...this summer he had mentioned indian...I can live with that. :)

Amy said...

Beverly he is so cute! What a fun age! I bet you're right...he'll go for the gore this year. Might be a good to hint the the Indian idea!!!

Beverly said...

Amy...I did ask him tonight what he was going to be...he said maybe an army guy...I am sure he will have to be wounded. I have to try to find costume ideas..aauugghhh...I am loosing my "baby".

Marsha said...

Hi Beverly, thanks for coming by my blog. What a cute little guy you have. I remember the days when we had to come up with a Halloween outfit. Those were the days...sigh.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your son is so cute! I raised 4 boys and I remember when they went from dressing like ET to some bloody monster....

Rosie said...

Beverly, thanks for stopping by! Enjoy your little man while you can. Time passes quickly! My teens still like to trick or treat but now they just wear black and a uncreative is that!?