Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Christmas Cactus

Wanna see what happens when you leave a Christmas Cactus outside to long and it gets cold?

My poor confused cactus...I hope the bloom can hold on until Christmas!


Tracey said...

Beautiful! My Christmas Cactus is the only plant I can't kill. The less I water it, the more it blooms!! They are gluttons for punishment, I guess!!! Visiting from SITS! Have a great day :)

karen said...

I is still so pretty. And it is called a christmas cactcus . Should be able to take the cold.

bj said...

hI...your cactus is just beautiful. Bet it will still be pretty for Christmas. Now, I want one!! :)
Just stopped by from SITS...
Come see

Amy said...

Oh...I have one that I have in my spare bedroom and have not looked at for a few months. Even though yours is a little is still beautiful!!!

Suzy said...

My Mom always leaves hers out until this time. She says the cool air helps it set it's buds?
Very pretty!!

Leslie said...

I think it looks beautiful!

Infarrantly Creative said...

Wow that is gorgeous!

Crazy Lady with purple fingers said...

So beautiful, have not looked at mine lately to see if the buds are setting, good idea about giving them a chill to set the buds. Great pictures!!

Tricia McWhorter said...

Thanks for stopping by. Your cactus is gorgeous. I just love these plants.

Leslie said...

Thanks for stopping by and entering my giveaway! Good luck!